The best CSGO LFG Discord Servers in 2022

If you're looking for new teammates, you're not alone.

Playing solo in csgo matchmaking can be a terrible mistake. Having teammates that are not of similar skill is one thing, but the pure toxic teammates I'd rather not waste my valuable gaming time on. That's why playing with a 5 stack in cs go is always recommended, specially when you are trying to compete outside of the matchmaking system like on FACEIT and ESEA.

LFG Discord servers are a good start to solving this problem. Most of the servers will be run by the community, where you can meet and chat with other players looking to find teammates to play with. I don't want to give you wild expectations, but sometimes you might even make a new friend or find permanent teammate(s) in the process.

Without any further a due, here are the best CSGO LFG discord servers:

  • /r/GlobalOffensive
    The official discord server from the sub reddit: Global Offensive, which is run by dedicated moderators and fans and is a good place to start with little hurdles as you can start looking for games immediately. Next to an easy channel layout the server has a large player base of 160.000 players from all around the world.
/r/GlobalOffensive Discord Link:

TEAMS, is a web-based server that helps CSGO players find new teammates. Because it is a web-based server, its highly recommended to first create an account on TEAMS so you can make use of all the features that are present on discord. All though, it isn't mandatory. One you join, agree to the server rules and select the games you play by clicking on the games' emoji in role-assign. From there, you'll receive access to CSGO specific channels where you can see who's online right now. Additionally, there are also sections for gameplay, CSGO discussions and giveaways. discord link:

FACEIT, is a place where CSGO players can find, connect and chat with each other. The website is also one of the most popular for CSGO players to play tournaments and matchmaking on. The discord itself is also pretty straight forward, accept the rules, select your role by clicking on the games' emoji and you'll receive access straight away.

FACEIT discord link:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What does LFG mean in discord?
    LFG is often referred to as ''Looking for Group'' or either ''Looking for Game'', LFG discords are dedicated to bringing gamers to gather who want to play the same game with some teammates.
  • What is LFT in CS:GO?
    ''LFT'' is referred to as ''Looking for Team'', these are usually players who are looking to join an already existing team of four to complete the team of five or might be open to creating one.
  • Is free?
    The Services are free to Register and use. Costs incurred to access the Services are the responsibility of the User.