Dust2 Callouts for CS:GO

Welcome to our guide on CSGO map callouts for the Dust2 map!

Dust2 is a popular map in the Counter-Strike series that has been featured in many competitive tournaments. The map is set in an abandoned desert town and features a variety of different buildings and open spaces.

Learning the callouts for Dust2 is important for any aspiring competitive player. In this guide, we will go over all of the different callouts for this map. We will also provide some tips on how to use them effectively in-game.

Source: u/leftover_high

A Callout is a location on the map with a unique name so players know where their teammates, opponents, or the bomb has been dropped. Each map has many locations that have unique names. In Dust2 there are four key spots that are very important during each round of the map:

Long A

Long A is as the name suggests, a long road with no obstacles, allowing players to easily see from one side of the map to the other. On the A site having an AWP in place is especially strong as a Counter-Terrorist or as a Terrorist to challenge them by rushing for the pit. However, the Terrorists have to push through long doors, a place where often smoke, incendiaries, or grenades are thrown in. Once the Terrorists are able to gain a foothold outside the door it becomes a peek battle and with the use of good smokes, they'll be able to potentially get to the A Bomb site and plant.


Upper B (Tunnels)

Upper B is more often just referred to as Tunnels and tends to be one of the most chaotic places on the map for the average attacking terrorist team. This is because Tunnels are often the easiest, quickest, and safest way for them to rush to the B Bombsite. Counter-Terrorists can shoot through the B Site into the tunnel with a sniper or spray with an assault rifle through the smoke. And by the use of other grenades able to slow or stop the push entirely. For the Terrorists, it's key for them to commit to a rush and use well-placed flashbangs to make an entry. Meanwhile, its important to pay close attention to potential Counter-Terrorists flanks via mid and lower B.



The middle of the map is the most dangerous location during an average dust2 match. Terrorists straight from where they spawn can immediately watch mid and spot any Counter-Terrorists trying to peek middle or cross towards b and potentially eliminate them in the process. Often on both sides, a sniper battle will commence, and it is, therefore, crucial especially for the Counter-Terrorists to smoke middle in order to cross more safely to B. If you really have to go through mid, know that you are very exposed and likely to be attacked. This counts for both sides, so coordinate with your teammates to secure it.


Lower B / Short A

These two locations are quick connections to the other sides of the map and controlling or at the very least contesting them is key for both sides. Short A is what the name suggests, a quick way into A from the middle. It also allows for fast rotations from mid to A or from mid to lower b into the B side. As a Counter-Terrorist, it may not always be viable to actually be present in the lower b tunnels, but listening in for enemy activity by sitting close by in mid can yield good intel.


Did you notice I used a demo from a Major in these gifs? If you could let me know which match it is in our discord, then you are an absolute legend.

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