Inferno Callouts for CS:GO

Inferno map callouts for Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Mastering the callouts on this iconic CS:GO map will have your opponents on the back foot!

Welcome to our guide on CSGO map callouts for the Inferno map!

Inferno is a popular map in the Counter-Strike series that has been featured in many competitive tournaments. The map is set in a small town with European architecture. The most plausible countries in which we think Inferno is set are Italy, France, or Spain due to old separatist sentiments in some regions.

The map is rectangular, with the Counter-Terrorists spawning one one-corner of the map and the Terrorists spawning on the opposite side in a slightly diagonal line.

Learning the callouts for Inferno is important for any aspiring competitive player. In this guide, we will go over all of the different callouts for this map. We will also provide some tips on how to use them effectively in-game.

Source: u/leftover_high

A Callout is a location on the map with a unique name so players know where their teammates, opponents, or the bomb has been dropped. Each map has many locations that have unique names. In Inferno there are at least five key areas that are very important during each round of the map:


The "banana" is one of the most popular callouts for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive map, Inferno. This refers to the long, curved section of the map that is often used as a choke point. The banana is so named because of its shape, which makes it easy for players to remember. Players will use this callout to let their teammates know that they are defending this area. Banana is a key part of many strategies and can be the difference between winning and losing a round.


B Site

When calling out for the B site, it is important to be as specific as possible. You should call out exactly where you are going to plant the bomb, which rooms you will clear, and how you will get there. Players should also be aware of the different ways that enemies can approach the B site. There are many choke points and hiding spots on Inferno, so players need to be aware of these when calling out for the B site.



There are four different callouts for the middle area of the map. These are "mid", "second mid", "top mid", and "bottom mid". Each one of these has a different meaning and use. "Mid" is the most common and is simply used to refer to the middle area of the map. "Second mid" is used to refer to the area slightly to the left or right of mid, depending on which side you are on. "Top mid" is used to refer to the area at the very top of the map, and "bottom mid" is used to refer to the area at the very bottom of the map.



The most important callouts for apps are windows, boiler, halls, and dark. These are the areas where players tend to get killed the most. As a CT, be sure to watch out for jumping Ts or molotovs. :)


A Site

The A Site is a more technical site to attack and to defend as it has multiple entrances for both CT's and T's. Important connectors for CT's are: Arch and Library, which will lead them to long to top mid or straight to the A side. For the T's its the apps which lead into top mid/quad and short or either via balcony into pit. On the site itself, there are multiple spots that you should really know about like; default, headshot, A, ninja and back site.


Did you notice I used a demo from a Major in these gifs? If you could let me know which match it is in our discord, then you are an absolute legend.

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