How to find a CSGO Team?

The moment people are fed up with soloq, they tend to go look for a csgo team. For you to find good teammates in csgo, it's important to ask yourself a couple of questions first.

  1. What does your availability look like?
    Let everyone know which days you are available and create a time schedule that works for everyone in your team.
  2. What is your level commitment?
    For example: 4 Hours per day / 7 days a week
  3. Where do you prefer to play?
    CSGO Matchmaking, Gamersclub, FACEIT, ESEA etc...
  4. What is your focus / role going to be in the team?
    Define which roles you want to play. Are you going to be the IGL aka the next gla1ve? AWP aka FalleN / KennyS, Rifler and lurker are the typical other roles in csgo.
  5. What is your ambition?
    Do you just wanna play online with a fixed group of players? Or are you looking to get into the csgo competitive scene abit more seriously, such as attending lan events?
  6. What is your preferred language / location?
    In most cases its recommend that you live at the very least on the same continent, csgo is after all a game were ping really matters.

So.. now that you have some idea of what you want its time to start looking for some brand new csgo teammates!

We found that alot of people will look on random discord servers, reddit posts, twitter etc... So if you are still struggling, we build a better way to find csgo teammates. It will help you setup a proper csgo player profile with all the relevant information, and the TEAMS algorithm will match you with teammates your are actually looking for... Sign up and start matching with your future csgo teammates today!