Why Playing with a pre-made team in Overwatch is always better than Solo Queue

Overwatch, the popular team-based shooter, offers players a variety of ways to play the game, including solo queue and pre-made teams. While solo queue can be a fun and exciting way to play, many players find that playing with a pre-made team offers several advantages over solo queue. In this article, we'll explore why playing with a pre-made team is better than solo queue in Overwatch.

Improved Communication

One of the biggest advantages of playing with a pre-made team is improved communication. When you play with a team of players you know and trust, it's much easier to communicate and coordinate with each other. This can lead to more effective strategies, better map control, and faster and more efficient decision-making. In contrast, solo queue can often be frustrating due to a lack of communication and coordination, which can lead to players feeling like they're not making much of a difference on the battlefield.

"In a match between two equally skilled teams, the team with the better communication will always win." (c) A Reddit User πŸ˜†
Communication is Key πŸ”‘
Communication is hard, but it’s an important element for a teams success. We dive into the good and bad and give tips on how to be better at communicating.

Higher Skill Level

Another advantage of playing with a pre-made team is a higher skill level. When you play with a pre-made team, you can often be matched with players who have similar skill levels and play styles. This can lead to a more enjoyable and challenging gaming experience, as you can push each other to be better and learn from each other. In contrast, solo queue can often be a mixed bag of player skill levels, which can result in unbalanced matches and a less enjoyable experience.

More Consistent Results

Playing with a pre-made team can also lead to more consistent results. When you play with a group of players who know and trust each other, you're more likely to have a successful and consistent winning streak. In contrast, solo queue can often be a roller coaster of wins and losses, with no guarantee of success.

In conclusion, playing with a pre-made team in Overwatch offers several advantages over solo queue, including improved communication, higher skill levels, and more consistent results.

So, whether you're a seasoned Overwatch player or just starting out, playing with a pre-made team is a great way to experience the game to its fullest potential. So why not sign-up to TEAMS and gather some new friends and start a pre-made team today!