🤝 W Friends Ep 1

We spoke to llija ‘markov1c’ Marković and Dawood ‘t0ks’ Jarrar, and asked them about their experience with TEAMS.gg. We wanted to share the conversation with you - so, this is our first episode of W Friends.

They told us about how they were struggling with the soloQ experience; Both were hard stuck in silver and having to deal with the negative toxicity that comes with it, and how they managed to overcome these challenges by playing together.

🥳They’ve both hit diamond & ascendant, congrats!

Brings me back to my youth, sipping on monster and hardcoring Call of Duty with the gang.. Those were the days.

Being able to play with like-minded teammates has helped them experience VALORANT in a different light - they now enjoy their gaming time more because of the friendships they’ve built.

"it’s cool to see players like this connecting with each other - creating long-term friendships and building amazing memories is what it’s all about. It’s why we do, what we do <3" - TEAMS TEAM

💥 markov1c and t0kss also mentioned they’d like to notify others on the site that they’re currently playing, so we’ve recently released a Play Now feature! -https://blog.teams.gg/play-now/

If you have a similar story with TEAMS.gg, email wfriends@teams.gg and let us know - maybe we can do a W Friends episode on you as well! Or get in touch via Discord & Twitter :)

Credit to: https://www.instagram.com/markovic___i/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D & https://twitter.com/dawoodjarrar33